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Sales setup includes the following elements:


Customers are defined with multiple delivery addresses, customer type, tax code, currency code, payment terms, price level, discount code, ship method, ustom forms, linkd documents, andmultiple contacts.  


Taxation is based on tax codes that are applied to the sales order header and line items.  The tax rate within each tax code can be comprised of multipl tax rates, each associated with a tax authority for tax reporting.  Tax codes accommodate USA or international style VAT/GST taxation.  

If you use USA style taxation, taxation is governed by the customer’s locality.  Each customer is automatically assigned to the system default sales tax code, unless a tax code exception is specified. A tax codee exception can also be specified against each delivery address.  

If you use international VAT/GST style taxation, taxation is governed by the item.  Each item is automatically assigned to the sales order headeer tax code, which is typically the system default sales tax code set to the standard VAT/GST  code, unless a tax code exception is specified.  

If you use Canadian taxation, a hybrid between the two systems is used.  Tax codes are assigned to customers and are a blend of provincial and GST taxes.  Tax amounts are itemized in invoice footers by tax authority.  

Pricing and Discounts

The following pricing and discount options are available:  

Each item can be assigned to a base price with optional quantity price breaks.  

Customers can be assigned to price levels.  Prices within each price level are a fixed percentage of each item’s base price, with an option for rounding up to a specified decimal increment.  

Contract prices with expiration dates can be assigned by item to specific customers or customer types, which can accommodate price exceptions or special promotions.

Customers can be assigned to discount codes.  Each discount code can be defined with percentage discounts, including quantity discounts, that are applied to specific item categories or items.  

Credit Manager

Customers can be given allowable credit limits with options for sales order warnings when the credit limit is exceeded and the ability to block order entry or order picking.  

Customer Types

You can create a table of customer type codes, each with an optional default price level and default discount code.  Each customer is assigned to a customer type.  

Customer Terms

You can create a table of customer payment terms with number of days due, discount days, discount %, and an option for aging by end of month.  

Ship Methods

You can create a table of ship methods.  Each customer can optionally be assigned a default ship method.  

Sales Reps and Commission Codes

Sales reps can be created and assigned to commission code.  Each commission code can be comprised of one or more sales reps to accommodate shared commissions.  Commission codes are provided as a filter in selected data views and reports.