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Job Data Views

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(Jobs – Data Views)


The Data View utility is a reporting tool used throughout DBA that enables you to filter, sort, and group your data to create your own inquiries, spreadsheets, and reports.  It organizes related data from multiple tables without requiring “joins” and other complicated programming techniques.  


Screen_Help   Data View Reporting tool


Job Data Views

Total Job Hours  

Use this data view to list job hours and work center completion quantities.  Standard layouts include:  

Hours by Work Center and Primary Output
Hours by Primary Output and Job
Worker Job Hours
Worker Job Hours by Day  


Closed Job Cost Summary  

Use this data view to get a listing of summarized job costs, including a comparison of estimated versus actual cost.  Standard layouts include:    

•        Unit Cost by Primary Output  



Closed Job Material Usage  

Use this data view to get a listing of estimated versus actual material usage for components and parent items in closed jobs.  Standard layouts include:    

Primary Output by Item ID  
Primary Output by Job No


Closed Job Performance  

Use this data view to get a listing of estimated versus actual job hours.  Standard layouts include:    

Estimated vs Actual Hours  
Estimated vs Actual Hours and Setup  


Work Center Performance  

Use this data view to get a listing of estimated versus actual job hours within each work center.  Standard layouts include:    

Est vs Actual by WC and Primary Output  


Worker Performance  

Use this data view to get a listing of estimated versus actual job hours by worker.  Standard layouts include:    

Est vs Actual by Worker
Est vs Actual (all columns)
Est vs Actual by Primary Output, Worker
Est vs Actual: Primary Output, WC, Worker  


Worker Transactions

Use this data view to get a listing of worker job labor transactions.  Standard layouts include:

Worker Transactions by Worker
Worker Transactions by Work Center
Worker Transactions by Job