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(Purch – Purchasing Setup – PO Types)

When you create a PO, it is assigned to a PO Type. PO Types can be used to categorize different types of POs and to give each PO Type its own form layout and other settings.

Screen Details

PO Type

Enter an up to 8-character code to identify the PO Type.  


Enter an up to 50-character Description to further identify the PO type.


Enter an up to 4-character Prefix that will precede the PO number.  This distinguishes one PO Type from another.

Auto Numbering

If you want the system to automatically assign the next available PO number, select this checkbox.  Some companies prefer to manually assign PO numbers, in which case you would clear this checkbox.

PO Layout

If you wish to use a customized PO form layout for this PO Type, you can create one by editing the standard PO format and saving it to a different name.  The new format name is entered here (you can use the browse button to locate and select the *.rtm file).  When entering the name it is not necessary to type the ‘*.rtm’ extension.

PO Goods Received Note Layout

This field enables you to specify a custom form layout for O Goods Received Note printing.  You can copy the standard form – ppPOReceivedNotes.rtm – to a new name, modify it as needed, and specify the custom layout name in this field.  

Set as Default Button

This button is used to designate the PO Type that gets selected by default each time a new PO is created.  Highlight the desired PO Type, then click this button.  You will see the Default PO Type displayed in the upper panel.