In this task you will activate Startup Day mode, which enables various screens to be accessed for startup day transactions.
Task Note:
In the Startup Wizard screen, click the Activate Startup Day Mode hyperlink to launch the activation screen confirmation. See warnings below before you confirm activation of startup mode.
Activating Startup Day Mode is the ultimate super task!
Do not proceed if you are not ready to do a complete and decisive startup day
We cannot emphasize strongly enough that a clean and clear startup day is essential for long term success. If you have not performed all of your implementation tasks and gone through a significant rehearsal phase with your employees so that everyone is confident and comfortable with DBA, do not proceed to Startup Day activation. DBA Startup does not need to conform to any particular accounting period or artificial deadline. When in doubt, it is better to hold off on your manufacturing startup day until you are ready to do a comprehensive single day startup.
You must have a complete and accurate stock quantity per location and valuation for all of your stock item's in your existing system. These values will be imported into DBA and will tie down exactly with the inventory value in DBA. You will then draw down your inventory in your outside system and inventory must be handled exclusively in DBA from that cut over point. This is essential that you do this on a single startup day.
If you feel that there were errors during Startup Day consider restore to your last manual database backup
If you run into trouble during startup day that prevents a clean and clear startup day, we recommend that you not proceed to system activation. You can return to your last restore point manual database backup and prepare again for a new startup day.
Startup Day Guidelines
DBA must be fully activated on a single startup day
DBA is an integrated MRP and shop control system that only works properly when all its processes – inventory, order entry, job and PO generation, purchasing, job release and processing, shipping, and invoicing – are fully functioning. It is therefore an absolute requirement that DBA gets activated on a single startup day.
A “rolling start” never works and leads to failure
A “rolling start” never works successfully and leads to failure. Whenever core elements are implemented one at a time, they never work properly. This leads to an inevitable cycle of fixes and workarounds which introduce data irregularities that often cannot be fixed or recovered from. The only way to get good results is to activate the entire DBA system on a single startup day as prescribed here.
Do not attempt to run processes in parallel
Once DBA is fully activated on system startup day, do not attempt to run processes in parallel in both accounting systems. This serves no purpose because MRP and shop control will produce entirely different results with no basis for comparison. Furthermore, running in parallel is technically not feasible because it will corrupt your financial accounting system with double-postings and conflicting data.