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Startup - Database Restrictions Policy

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In this task you will make sure that all project participants are fully aware of the database restrictions in our software license.

Database Restrictions

Software License

Section 6 of our software license restricts you from directly updating or altering the system’s database.  Here is the specific wording:  


You may not directly update or alter the Software’s Database using non-DBA programs or manual editing. Specifically, you may not edit or delete Database records through IB Console or any other third party utility, you may not import data by any means other than the import programs within the Software, you may not add or modify tables, fields, triggers, or stored procedures, and you may not write directly to Database tables. You acknowledge that we are entitled to monitor your Database structure to determine compliance with your License under this Agreement.

Why the restrictions?  

These database restrictions protect you from data corruption that can easily be caused by any of the restricted practices listed in the license.  

Custom programming is not permitted  

DBA cannot be modified or expanded using custom programming, which violates the database restrictions listed above.  DBA is not an open source code product.  

Use customization tools instead

Even though custom programming is not permitted, you can tailor DBA to suit your operational preferences using a variety of customization tools supplied with the system.

Our Data View reporting tool generates data that can be exported to spreadsheets and imported into outside programs and reporting tools.

Grid lists throughout the system can be filtered and exported to spreadsheets (using the Output button) and imported into outside programs and reporting tools.

Forms (quotes, acknowledgements, packing lists, invoices, and POs) can be customized with our Forms Edit utility and saved against sales order types, job types, customers, and suppliers.

Item labels can be customized for product packaging or warehouse identification purposes.

Documents, including web links, can be attached to stock items, descriptors, customers, and suppliers and can be automatically linked to sales orders and jobs.  

Data import utilities enable you to import major master tables such as stock items, bills of material, customers, and suppliers from Excel spreadsheets.

Use our support for any data problems

If you think you have a data problem, do not attempt to address it through manual editing or any non-DBA utilities.  Always submit a support ticket and let us help you with the problem.  

Do not use any third party product that updates our database  

Do not use any third party product that updates our database.  Any such product puts you in violation of the software license and jeopardizes the functionality of your system.  If you are considering using a third party product, we suggest you contact us to verify that it can be legally used.

Custom programming must be independent from DBA

Custom programming should always be a last resort and never the first solution to a problem.  If you truly need a custom application, it must be completely independent from DBA and equipped with its own database.  Data must flow in only one direction – from DBA into the custom application and never the other way around.

NOTE: Third party ODBC drivers are available for use in extracting data from DBA. For more details, search by “ODBC” in the online support center.