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Startup - Manual Backup

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In this task you will make a manual backup to preserve your progress through the end of this phase of implementation.  This provides a restore point if you ever need to revert your system back where it was at the completion of this phase.  

Make the backup to your restore points folder  

In task 3-7 you created a restore points folder for the purpose of storing manual backups made at the end of each implementation phase and prior to each data import.  Make this backup to your restore points folder to preserve your progress through the end of this phase of implementation.  

If you do not have a restore points folder, refer back to task 3-7 in the Installation phase of implementation for guidance.  

Making a manual backup

Use the Backup Manager to make a manual backup, which is accessed from the server by clicking Windows Start - DBA Manufacturing - Utilities - Backup Manager.  

Select the Manual Backup option.  Select your company database in the From registered databases option.  Select the Use Custom Backup path.  Click Find and navigate to your restore points folder.  

When you are prompted to save the file, give it a file name such as Backup_System_Setup to clearly identify the contents of this backup.  

Click Create Backup to initiate the backup process.


Gude   Installation / Update Guide - Backup Manager - Manual Backup

Always check the status of scheduled backups

Whenever you are in the Backup Manager, always check the Last Backup panel displayed to the left of the menu to make sure that your scheduled backups are being successfully completed.


Gude   Installation / Update Guide - Backup Manager - Last Backup Panel