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Picking Manager

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(Sales - Picking Manager)

This screen is used to manage sales order picking by means of stock allocation.  Each time the screen is launched a batch process allocates stock on hand to sales order lines for all items with sales demand.  Color coded icons indicate which sales orders can be fully or partially picked for shipment.  Sales orders can be selected one-by-one for picking via a link to the Order Picking screen.  

Related Video:

Video_Link   Training Guide - Managing SO Dates



Stock Allocation Hierarchy

A batch process allocates stock whenever the screen is launched or the Refresh button is clicked.  For each item with sales demand, stock on hand is allocated to demand events in this hierarchy:  

1.Stock is allocated first to Released status job components in planned Job Start date order.  

2.Remaining stock is then allocated to sales orders in ascending line item Required Date order.  \

3.When sales order lines share the same Required Date, remaining stock is allocated in ascending SO No order.  

SO Stock Allocation Inquiry

This drill-down inquiry shows the complete stock allocation profile for a selected sales order and provides color coded icons to indicate which lines are fully or partially allocated for picking.  



Stock Allocation Inquiry

This drill-down inquiry shows the complete stock allocation profile for any item listed in the SO Stock Allocation inquiry, including stock on hand, all job and sales demand events, and each event’s allocation quantity.  



Screen Details


Pick SO

Click this button to open the Order Picking screen, populated with the currently selected sales order.   After order picking is updated, a prompt is provided for linking to the sales order on the List tab o the Sales Orders screen sales order so that a shipment can be created via the Shipping tab.  


Click this button to re-load the grid and to apply filter selections made in the lower panel.  


Click this button to output the grid contents to a spreadsheet.  The output tool includes a variety of filtering and sorting options.  


Use this field to enter a search string, which limits the grid to sales orders containing that string in the SO NoSO Description, or Customer fields.

Grid Fields

Earliest Required

This is the earliest line item Required Date for this sales order among lines with a remaining quantity.  

SO No, SO Description

These fields identify the sales order.  

Allocated Stock

A batch process allocates stock whenever the screen is launched or the Refresh button is clicked. For each item with sales demand, stock on hand is allocated to demand events in this hierarchy:  

1.Stock is allocated first to Released status job components in planned Job Start date order.  

2.Remaining stock is then allocated to sales orders in ascending line item Required Date order.  

3.When sales order lines share the same Required Date, remaining stock is allocated in ascending SO No order.  

Status Indicators

The icon color and text indicate the following allocation status:

Green - All

A green icon indicates that all lines with remaining quantities are fully allocated and the sales order is ready to be picked in full.    

Yellow - Some

A yellow icon indicates some lines have an allocated quantity.  The Lines Ready and Lines Not Ready fields at right provide additional guidance and you can also click the button in this field to view the SO Stock Allocation inquiry.  

Red - None

A red icon indicates that no lines have allocated stock.  

SO Stock Allocation Inquiry

Click the button in the Allocated Stock field to launch the SO Stock Allocation inquiry, which displays the sales order’s line item details.  

Upper Panel

SO No, SO Description, Customer

These fields identify the sales order and associated customer name.  

Grid Fields  

SO Qty

This is the original order quantity.  

Rem Qty

This is the quantity remaining to be picked.  

Allocated Qty

This is the quantity allocated from stock on hand to this line item.  

Allocation Inquiry

Click the button in this field to launch the Allocation Inquiry, which displays stock on hand and the quantity allocated to each demand event.  

Upper Panel

Item ID, Description, UM, M or P

These fields identify the item for which stock on hand has been allocated.  

Qty OH

This is the current quantity on hand for the item.

Grid Fields        

Demand Date

In the case of a Released status job, which gets allocation priority over sales orders, this is the job Released Date.  In the case of a sales order, this is the line item Required Date.  

Rem Qty

This is the quantity remaining to be issued or picked.  

Allocated Qty

This is the quantity allocated from stock on hand to this job component or sales order line item.  


A green icon indicates that the remaining quantity is fully allocated.  A yellow icon indicates that the remaining quantity is partially allocated, and a red icon indicates no allocation.  

Projected Qty  

This is the projected stock on hand after this demand event and all preceding demand events are issued or picked in full.  


This identifies whether the demand event is a job or sales order.


This is the job number or sales order number associated with this demand event.  

Line No    

This identifies the line number associated with this job component or sales order line item.


When the demand event is a sales order, this field identifies the associated customer name.  


This icon indicates whether allocated stock is available for this line item.  A green icon indicates that the remaining quantity is fully allocated.  A yellow icon indicates that the remaining quantity is partially allocated, and a red icon indicates no allocation.

Required Date  

This is the line item Required Date, which is the demand date for MRP generation and determines job and picking priority.  

Expected Ship  

This is the line item Expected Ship date, which is the feedback date from production and is used as the customer communication date.  

NOTE: This date does not affect MRP or job or picking priority.  

Search Icon (Stock Status)  

This icon launches the Stock Status inquiry for this item, opened to the Projected tab.  

Lines Ready

This is a count of the number of line items that are fully allocated and ready for picking.  

Lines Not Ready

This is a count of the number of line items that are not fully allocated and cannot be picked in full.    

M Lines Past Req

This is a count of the number of manufactured line items where the Required Date is past due relative to the current date.  

P Lines Past Req

This is a count of the number of purchased line items where the Required Date is past due relative to the current date.

Lines Complete

This is a count of the number of line items that have been picked in full.  


This is the customer name associated with this sales order.  

Lower Panel

Allocated Stock

These checkbox filters determine which sales orders get listed in the grid.    


This is selected by default and lists sales orders where all lines are fully allocated and the order is ready to be picked in full.  


This is selected by default and lists sales orders where some lines have an allocated quantity and the order can be partially picked.  


Select this checkbox to list sales orders where none of the lines have allocated stock and the order is not ready for picking.



Pagination status is found in the lower left hand portion of the screen.

NOTE: Column sorting and output options will only work on the dataset displayed per page.

To remove pagination and display all records, right click on the page and uncheck the Paginate option.

To change the page size, right click on the page and select Edit Page Size.

