System target dates provide an overall action plan
System target dates provide an overall action plan for establishing and meeting your sales order required dates. This action plan is effective because all dates are coordinated so that events are scheduled in a logical sequential order.
All supply dates are aligned with dependent demand dates
All dates within the master schedule are coordinated so that supply dates associated with inbound jobs and POs are exactly aligned with dependent demand dates associated with jobs and sales orders.
Date alignment makes the schedule coherent and meaningful
The alignment of supply dates with dependent demand dates makes the overall schedule coherent and meaningful. Sales and shop personnel will have confidence that dates are realistic and can be relied upon to furnish to customers and guide shop activities.
M item Lead Days allocations provide multi-level date alignment
M item Lead Days allocations are automatically calculated and made equal to the longest replenish time among each parent’s to-order components. This provides for perfect date alignment during all levels of MRP generation whereby demand dates at one level (SO required dates or job start dates) are perfectly aligned with supply dates at the next level (job finish dates or PO due dates).
Plan your M item Lead Days with strategic inventory
M item Lead Days allocations are derived from component order policies. Using strategic inventory, you can reduce or eliminate Lead Days allocations as needed to tighten master schedule dates and meet your time to shipment objectives.