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Phase 4 - Job Generation and Processing

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After the quote has been converted to a sales order (see previous chapter), the sales order line item is ready for CTO job generation.

Select the Job Receipts Cost Basis  

On a one time basis, go to Job Defaults and select the Job Receipts Cost Basis of choice.  Select the Actual Job Cost basis, Which is the appropriate cost basis for customizable jobs.  

Run MRP to generate a CTO job

Upon its creation, the one-off item is flagged as a CTO (custom to order) item.  The next step is to run MRP, which automatically generates planned jobs directly from CTO item sales order lines, in the exact quantity ordered.  After the job is generated, the CTO Job field in the sales order line displays the job number and links the line with the job.    

Process jobs in the normal fashion

At this point, the CTO job is in the master schedule and will be processed exactly the same as all other jobs.  ‘NEW’ status jobs are released to production in the Job Control Panel when material becomes available, which changes the job status to ‘RELEASED’.  Once a job is released, you can issue material, enter setup and labor, and generate POs for subcontract services.  

Modify job details as needed

If during production the need for further customization is encountered, you can freely modify job routing sequences, components, or outputs.  This insures the accuracy of inventory transactions and job costing.  

Receive finished items to inventory

As one-off items are completed, they are received to inventory in the Job Receipts screen.  Make sure that the color indicators at the top of the screen are green, which means that labor, subcontract, and job issue transactions are accounted for.  Always examine the Unit Cost to verify that it is a plausible value and does not reflect some obvious costing error.  

Ship and invoice the sales order

When the one-off item is in inventory, it becomes visible in the Shipment Planner within the Order Picking screen and can be picked and shipped to the customer.  The shipment is then converted into an invoice.  

The one-off item is automatically inactivated

When the sales order is invoiced in full, the program automatically closes the sales order and inactivates the one-off item.  Once inactivated, the one-off item will no longer be actively displayed in the Stock Items and Bills of Manufacturing screen.  One-off item inactivation completes the custom manufacturing workflow.