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Attaching Documents and Web Links

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This chapter explains how BOM specifications can be augmented with documents and web links attached to BOM parents for automatic linking to jobs.  

What are document and web link attachments?

Against any item you have the ability to attach documents, files, or web links that can be designated for automatic linking to jobs.  Once attachments are linked to jobs, they can be accessed as needed in the Job Inquiry screen.  

Augments the bill of manufacturing

The bill of manufacturing stores all the specifications needed to drive MRP, shop control, and product costing, but it does not store every possible aspect of manufacturing that may apply to your specific products or industry.  Document and web link attachments fill this gap and can be used for any number of purposes, including the following:


A variety of document types can play important roles in the production process.  

Specification Sheets

Specification sheets can be used to describe the technical characteristics of products in full detail as needed.  

Engineering Drawings

Engineering drawings can be coordinated to correspond with progressive BOM revisions as part of an Engineering Change Order (ECO) management system.  Drawings associated with the current revision can be flagged for job linking, while drawings for pending and archived revisions can remain attached for reference, but not flagged for job linking.  Consider using a drawing naming convention that coordinates drawing numbers with revision names.  


With complex images it is best to create documents containing needed images rather than use the tiny thumbnail images that can be stored against job parent and component items and printed on the job traveler.  For viewing large images, consider using web links instead of documents.  

Safety Data Sheets

Linking all required safety data sheets to jobs ensures that you stay in compliance with all safety regulations and practices.  

Quality Control Data Collection Sheets

Many processes require specific quality control data (temperature, PH readings, etc.) that need to be entered against jobs.  You can store a template data sheet against the BOM parent that gets linked to jobs.  Workers can rename the template data sheet to make entries against the job and can then link the renamed document to the job for historical reference.  

Web Links

Web links transcend the limitations of attached documents and offer innovative ways to augment the bill of manufacturing.  You can host content on a web server (internal or public) and store a link against the BOM parent and flag it for linking to jobs.  Web links provide a viable alternative when large file sizes make attached documents impractical.  Hosted content also has the benefit of widespread distribution without the user access licensing that is often required with proprietary software programs.  Here are some of the ways that web links can be used:  

Training and Safety Compliance Videos

You can make videos and post them to a service like YouTube for free.  

CAD Drawings and Large Files

You can use web links for accessing CAD drawings or large files that are not suited for the limitations of attached documents.

HD Images

High definition images accessed through web links provide superior clarity.  

Website Links

You can provide web links to helpful websites that may be pertinent to particular job processes.  

Making attachments to the BOM parent  

In the Stock Items screen you can attach documents, files, and web links to a BOM parent on the Documents tab.  Select the Link to Job/SO checkbox against an attachment when you want it to be automatically linked to jobs.  

Attachments can optionally be embedded in the DBA database for backup purposes or can be defined as web links.  Embedded documents are appropriate for moderate size files.  Web links should be used for large file documents, images, and videos.  

For complete setup details see Appendix B – Document Linking in the DBA Screen Help.  

Use the Job Inquiry to access linked files

Files that are linked to jobs can be accessed from the Documents tab within the Job Inquiry screen.  Click the hourglass icon to display or print the document or launch the web link.  

Additional files can be manually linked to jobs

In addition to the BOM parent attachments that automatically get linked to jobs, you can manually link additional files to jobs.  This is done in the Jobs screen on the Additional side-tab within the Header tab.  For example, if workers enter quality control data on a spreadsheet, the spreadsheet can be attached to the job as a permanent reference.  

ISO-9000 certification and compliance

ISO-9000 certification and compliance requires extensive process documentation and labeling throughout the system.  DBA accommodates this with document and multi-media attachments as well as these features:      

Bill of Manufacturing Notes  

Within the bill of manufacturing you can enter unlimited freeform notes against the BOM parent, routing sequences, tasks within routing sequences, and components.  All these notes flow through to jobs for optional printing on the job traveler.

Job Traveler Layouts  

Customized layouts for various sets of print options can be created for job traveler printing.  This enables specialized travelers to be created for different purposes, including specialized travelers for ISO compliance.  

Documents Directory

The Documents Directory, located on the Notes menu, provides a means for organizing the storage and access of general documents that are not linked to specific items, customers, or suppliers.  Such documents can include policy manuals, safety sheets, entry forms, etc.  For security purposes, users are assigned to Document Groups and then each document is assigned a list of the groups that are given access permission.

Customizable Labels

Custom layouts can be created with an abundance of optional content for the following labels.  

Stock Item Label

Job Receipt Label

PO Receipt Label

Serial Number Tracking  

M items can be flagged for serial number tracking, in which case serial numbers are assigned when finished items are received to inventory in the Job Receipts screen.  Serial number tracking provides an audit trail that ties finished items back to specific jobs and revisions.