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(Purch – Purchasing Setup – Suppliers – List Tab)

Use this screen to configure the opening List tab of the Suppliers screen.  You can designate which fields you want displayed and you can change column heading names.  


Screen Details

All available fields are displayed in the left hand Field Name column.  In the middle Display Label column you can change the name that displays on the screen column heading.  The right hand Visible column can be set to ‘Yes’ on any fields you wish to display and ‘No’ on any you want suppressed.

Advanced Tab

When the supplier list reaches a certain size, the time it takes to load, sort, and display the information in the List tab can slow down noticeably.  If so, you can optimize the list by limiting the number of records that get loaded at one time.  You will find this setting on the Advanced tab.

If you limit the number of records, this does not restrict your access to any data; it merely loads a certain number of records at-a-time into the screen.  

NOTE: When you limit the records is, you lose the ability to click on the grid column headings for sorting and filtering purposes.

After you change the maximum number of records setting, click the Save & Close button.