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Navigation: Startup Guide > Phase 5 - Bill of Manufacturing

Startup - Item Suppliers and Prices

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In this task you will import or enter Item Suppliers and associated purchase prices.


Screen_Help   Screen Help - Stock Items

NOTE: Item suppliers and purchase prices are entered on the Sources tab.  

Gude   Data Import Guide - Item Suppliers

Video_Link Video - Item Suppliers and Prices


DBA Key Concepts

PO Receipts costs establish inventory value

DBA is an average cost inventory system.   Inventory value for your purchased items is established by PO Receipt values.   Accurate supplier pricing information is therefore essential to maintaining accurate inventory value and cost of goods sold in DBA.

Setup a Default Supplier and purchase price for all purchased Items

You should set up a default supplier and price for all items that you purchase in DBA.   At system setup you can import all of your Item suppliers via Data Import - Item Suppliers.   On an ongoing basis, when you add a new purchased item you should always define a default supplier and purchase price

Ongoing price maintenance - Verify purchase prices when you send out POs

In MRP, when POs are suggested for an item, it will pull in the pricing for the default supplier.   You should verify your prices when send out your POs.  The act of verifying your prices in MRP will automatically keep your default supplier price records up to date and improve your inventory value accuracy.

Regularly update your estimated costs for P items based on your default supplier price

On a weekly basis or after any changes to your default purchase prices, you should go to the BOM - Estimated Purchase Cost screen and perform a Mass Update to update your estimated costs based on your Default Supplier Prices.  

Run a BOM Cost Rollup after you update your estimated costs for P Items

Any time you mass update your estimated costs based on your Default Supplier Prices you should go to the BOM > Cost Rollup screen to ensure that you update your estimated costs for your manufactured items.