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Startup - Mistakes to Avoid

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In this task you and other team members will review the following mistakes to avoid.    

Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid these mistakes and you will get good results with self-implementation.  

Mistake #1: Ignore the Suggested Order    

Each implementation task is predicated on the completion of previous tasks, which creates a “building block” effect.  A common mistake is to ignore the suggested order and import master tables all at once or pick and choose tasks at random.  This degrades the building block effect and consumes more time overall.  

Mistake #2: Ignore Key Processes

You cannot skip key processes such as work centers, routings, and item MRP settings because DBA is an integrated system that only works successfully when all workflow processes are fully deployed.    

Mistake #3: Don’t Involve Users

It is natural for users to resist change and be reluctant to participate in the implementation project.  It is a big mistake to give in to this reluctance.  It is important that users participate in user guide reviews, training videos, and workflow rehearsal so that they understand the conceptual basis of the Total Control workflow and how their own processes contribute to shop throughput.  

Mistake #4: Ignore User Training  

It is vitally important that users fully participate in the user training phase of implementation, which is performed in the sample company.  Workflow training insures that processes are fully set up and users are fully prepared for system startup day.

Mistake #5: Ignore Startup Day  

Activating the entire process workflow on a single startup day is the only way to achieve implementation success. You will not enter any inventory quantities or transactions in your live company prior to Startup Day.  On system startup day you will transfer inventory, open orders, and jobs from your financial accounting system to DBA.  In your financial accounting system you will zero-out all stock on hand and inactivate inventory, purchasing, and sales orders.  Any attempt to continue using these functions in the financial accounting system is the worst mistake you can make and will destroy the DBA process workflow.  

Mistake #6: Rush Startup Day

Do not rush startup day.  Startup day is not tied to any accounting fiscal year or period start date.  It can occur on any calendar day at any time of year.  Therefore there is no reason to set an artificial deadline that causes anyone to cut corners and take half measures that threaten implementation success.  

Mistake #7: Don’t Monitor Your Consultant

If you engage with a consultant to assist with implementation, it is essential that you require the consultant to work within the Implementation Manager task structure and conform to its sequential order and startup day activation.  If your consultant proposes an alternate method such as incremental implementation or running in parallel, absolutely avoid doing so and consider ending the engagement because such methods have no chance of success.  We can state this with authority based on decades of experience with hundreds of companies.