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Startup - Multiple Operating Entities

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In this task you will make sure that each of your operating entities is furnished with its own Main Company.  

Task Notes:

The Main Company is designed to manage one production facility.  

If you have multiple production facilities, each must be equipped with its own Main Company and separate software license.  

Each production facility uses the Financial Transfer to update a central accounting system.

Production facilities can supply each other using inter-company purchase orders.  


Gude   Financial Transfer Guide - Multiple Operating Entities Setup


Common Questions

Can DBA run multiple companies?  

Multiple companies, whether they are separate legal entities or operating divisions, are handled by your financial accounting system and its general ledger structure.  DBA’s role is to manage each individual production facility and to update the central financial accounting system to reflect its activities.  If you have multiple production facilities, each must be furnished with its own DBA system and product license (see next question).  

Can DBA run multiple production facilities?

Yes, DBA can run multiple production facilities, provided that each facility is furnished with its own DBA system and product license.  

DBA is designed to manage a single production facility with its own supply and demand transactions and where all inventory is local with no provision for transit time. Running each facility with its own DBA system provides total control and is much easier to use than a multi-facility ERP system.  

Each DBA system uses the financial transfer to update the central financial accounting system to provide consolidated financial reporting at the enterprise level.

Can DBA be run in multiple locations?  

The assumption of the DBA system is that all available quantity on hand is immediately available for Jobs and Sales Orders.  If your warehouse locations are reasonably close and do not involve transit time then you can operate a single instance of DBA with multiple locations.   If there is a significant geography difference between the locations, then we suggest separate DBA installations and the financial transfer approach outlined above.