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Startup - Software Installation Verification

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In this task you will verify that the software was properly installed.  

Task Notes:

If the software was not properly installed on a network server, now is the time to get it properly installed before you begin the System Setup phase.  

If you already have a functioning network, software installation is relatively simple and can be done by an in-house technical person.  

If you need network setup and assistance with software installation, this can be done for you by any qualified local service provider, who can also provide ongoing hardware and network support.  

DBA runs on virtually all Windows based networks and does not require any DBA-specific technical knowledge.


Gude   Installation Guide  


At any phase of implementation you can optionally install the Training Company to review system setup on a copy of your Main Company database.  The Training Company environment allows you to explore your data without compromising your live company.

Data Integrity Rules

You must never do test transactions in your live company database.

You cannot enter any inventory quantities in your live system prior to your official Startup Day

We recommend you perform basic education and training in the DBA Sample Company data.  But if you wish to do test transactions with your own data this must be done in the Training Company environment

You can periodically refresh your Training Company installation to review your data as you progress through your phases.

You can potentially do a trial run Startup Day in the Training Company environment to get ready for your single Startup Day.   When in doubt, delay Startup Day until your are completely comfortable with all aspects of DBA.

Download from the support center

Download the Training Company installation file and instructions from the What’s New area in the online support center.

Must be installed on the same server

You must install the Training Company on the same server/computer where your Main Company is installed.  

WARNING: Do not use as a live company

Do not attempt to use the Training Company as a live company.  With each future update, it gets removed and a new version installed from scratch.

NOTE: Any data entered in the Training Company cannot be saved or imported back into your Main Company database.  

Differentiated with a black background

The Training Company main menu has a black background so that users will never mistake it for a live company.


Two ways to refresh your Training Company with a copy of your live database

At time of install of the Training Company, it will make a copy of your live database into the Training Environment.  

You can refresh your database in the Training Company with a new copy of your source database using the Refresh Beta Database utility.  This is particularly helpful as your progress through the phases of implementation and you want to take a look at your most recent data. Go to Windows Start - DBA Manufacturing Beta - Utilities - Refresh Beta Database to launch the screen.