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Startup - Daily Server Backups

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In this task you will perform the second phase of your daily backup procedures, which is to make a general server backup that includes the database backups created in phase one (see previous task), other critical DBA files, and critical files associated with non-DBA applications.  

Backup Phase 2 - Schedule a daily server backup  

The second phase of your daily backup process is to use a generic backup software program or service to schedule a daily general backup of all critical data files on your network file server, including those associated with non-DBA programs.

Schedule the server backup to occur after phase one backup is completed

When you schedule your daily server backup, set the start time to occur after the database backups are fully completed in phase 1.  

How much time is required for phase one backup?    

The database backup file creation process in phase one can take an hour or even more to complete, depending on the size of your main company database or additional company databases.  There are two ways to determine how much time is required for database backup file creation:

When you optimize a company database through the Backup and Restore process (see next section), you will actually observe how long the process takes to run.  

You can view the most recent *.fbk backup file in the (drive letter)/ProgramData/DBABAckup folder on the server and take note of the time stamp that is included in the file name, which captures the time file creation was completed.  You can then compare that time with the scheduled start time in the Backup Manager - Schedule Backup process to calculate the total time required for backup file creation.  

Back up to an off-site location  

The daily server backup should be made to an off-site location as a precaution against natural disasters or theft.  This can be accomplished using remote backup software or an online cloud backup service such as Mozy Pro or Carbonite.  

Back up the DBABackup folder  

The daily server backup should include the entire DBABackup folder, which contains the *.fbk backup files that were created in phase one and is found in this location:  

(drive letter)\ProgramData\DBABackup

NOTE: If the ProgramData folder is not visible, use Windows Help to determine how to show hidden files, folders, and drives on your particular version of Windows.

Back up the DBA Reports folder  

The daily server backup should include the entire Reports folder, which contains your DBA custom form layouts (*.rtm files) and is found in his location:  

(drive letter)\Program Files (x86)\DBA Manufacturing\Reports

Back up folders containing your DBA documents and images

The daily server backup should include the folders where you store your DBA-related documents and images.  These are user-selected folders, so back up the appropriate folders.

Back up folders for all your non-DBA programs

The daily server backup should include all folders containing critical data associated with any non-DBA programs.