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DBA Help

(AP – Accounts Payable Setup – AP Payment Types)

User-defined payment types are used to classify and control the processing of supplier payments.  Whenever you make a supplier payment, you must specify the payment type.  


Gude   Startup Guide - Payment Types

Field Explanations

Payment Type

Enter an up to 10-character code to identify the payment type on lookups and screens.  


You can enter an up to 50-character description to accompany the Payment Type on lookups.  


Four options are available:


Select this option if this payment type’s transactions are to be paid by printed check.    


Select this option if this payment type’s transactions are to be paid by manual check.    


Select this option if this payment type’s transactions are to be paid by electronic file transfer.  


Select this option if this payment type’s transactions are to be paid by credit card.


The default Payment Type is set from the Admin – System Defaults menu choice, which is documented in section 2-8 of this guide.