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(AP – Supplier Invoices)

This screen is used to enter supplier invoices that are not related to purchase orders.  Invoice amounts can be distributed across an unlimited number of GL accounts.  Invoices can be immediately paid from the screen (such as by manual check).


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List Tab

Previously created supplier invoices are listed on this screen in descending invoice date order.  You can view the detail behind any invoice by highlighting it and clicking the Detail tab.  

PO invoices are included

Supplier invoices created in the PO Invoices screen are also included in the list so that you get a complete listing of all invoices in one screen.  

When you view the Detail tab on an invoice created in the PO Invoices screen, you will notice that in the lower distribution grid there is no GL Account column because PO-related invoices are matched to line items, not to accounts.  

Lower Panel

Non-Paid Invoices

This checkbox is selected by default, which limits the list to supplier invoices that have not yet been paid through the AP – Payment Processing screen.

NOTE: Non-paid supplier invoices can be reversed.  Once an invoice has been partially or fully paid, it cannot be reversed.  

Partially Paid Invoices

Select this checkbox if you wish to expand the list to include supplier invoices that have been partially paid.  

Fully Paid Invoices

Select this checkbox if you wish to expand the list to include supplier invoices that have been fully paid.  

New Button

Click this button to create a new supplier invoice.  You are taken to the Detail tab, which is cleared for new record entry.  

NOTE: Make sure that the supplier invoice is not related to a PO.  If it is, enter it in the PO Invoices screen instead.  

Edit Button

Click this button to change the due date on an existing supplier invoice.  You are taken to the Detail tab where you can change the Due Date, Payment Terms, and Supplier Invoice Notes.  Your changes are saved when you exit the tab.  

NOTE: You cannot edit a supplier invoice once it has been partially or fully paid.  

Reverse Button

Click this button to reverse the highlighted supplier invoice.  This deletes the invoice record and generates reversing entries in the General Ledger.  

NOTE: You cannot reverse a supplier invoice once it has been partially or fully paid.  

Pay Button

Click this button if you wish to pay the highlighted supplier invoice.  You are linked to the Payment Processing screen, where you will find this invoice selected for payment.  

Detail Tab

You can enter a new supplier invoice on this screen (by clicking New while on the List tab) or you can view the details of an existing supplier invoice record.  

General Information


Select the Supplier from the lookup.  

Invoice No

Enter the supplier invoice number.  

Invoice Date

Enter the supplier invoice date, which is the date used for aging and payment processing purposes.  

GL Post Date

The Invoice Date is used for aging and payment processing purposes, whereas the GL Post Date, which defaults to today’s date, is the date used to record the invoice liability in the General Ledger.  Only the GL Post Date is subject to the Financial Cutoff Date, so you are permitted to enter an Invoice Date that falls within a closed period.    

Pay Ref

If you leave this field blank, the invoice number will print on the check stub when this invoice gets paid.  If you enter text in this field, that text will print instead of the invoice number.  

Net Amt

Enter the net invoice amount less tax.  

Tax Amt

The Tax Amt is automatically calculated based on the percentage rate associated with the Tax Code, but you can override the amount, if needed.

Invoice Total

This read-only field is the sum of the Net Amt and Tax Amt.  

Tax Code

This defaults to the Tax Code stored against this supplier.  When there is no Tax Code against the supplier, the system default Tax Code – Purchases is used.  

Created By

This field displays the DBA User that created the invoice.


Payment & Selection Amts  

This section of the screen shows you the totals of your payments and entries in the distribution grid.

Paid Amt, Discounts Taken

If youve made any payments against this supplier invoice, they are reflected in these two fields.  

Pay Hold Amt, Distribution Amt

These two fields reflect the totals of your entries in the distribution grid.


This field displays the difference between the Invoice Total in the header panel and the Distributed Amt.  You are not permitted to save the invoice until this amount reaches zero.

Payment Terms

Payment Terms

The default Supplier Terms code assigned to this supplier is selected by default.  You can make an alternate selection, if you wish.  

Due Date

The Due Date for invoice payment is automatically calculated according to the Days and From Month End values associated with the Supplier Terms code.  You can manually override this date, if you wish.  

Days, From End of Month, Discount %, Discount Days

These read-only fields display the details associated with the selected Supplier Terms code.  

Distribution Grid

The invoice amount is allocated to one or more GL accounts in the distribution grid in the bottom portion of the screen.  To make an entry, click the New button to the right of the grid.

GL Account  

If this supplier has a Default GL Account in its master record, that default account will automatically display in this field.  You can make an alternate selection from the lookup, if you wish.  

Bank & Credit Card Accounts

You are not allowed to select an account that is assigned as the Asset account to a bank account or the Liability account to a credit card account.  If you wish to transfer funds from one bank account to another, use the Bank Account Transfer screen.  If you wish to make a payment against a credit card, use the Credit Card Payment screen.  

Net Amt

The program assumes that a single account distribution is being made and automatically inserts the Net Amt from the upper panel into this field.  You can reduce this amount if you wish to distribute to multiple accounts.  

Tax Amt

The program assumes that a single account distribution is being made and automatically inserts the Tax Amt from the upper panel into this field.  If you change the Net Amt at left, this amount automatically changes based on the percentage rate associated with the Tax Code in the upper panel.  

Total Amt

This read-only field is the sum of the Net Amt and Tax Amt.  

Pay Hold

If you do not wish for all or a portion of this invoice to be paid at this time (perhaps because of a dispute with the supplier), you can select this checkbox, which prevents this line’s amount from being selected and paid in the Payment Processing screen.


You can enter a short note against this line for reference purposes on this screen only.  

Supplier Invoice Notes

You can enter freeform notes in this panel for reference on this screen only.  



Click this button to save the supplier invoice and post the distribution amounts to the general ledger.  

Credit Card Payment Prompt

If this invoice’s Payment Terms is specified as a ‘Credit Card’ type in the Supplier Terms screen, you are prompted to record your payment.  

If you click Yes to the prompt, the Payment Processing screen is presented.  The Payment Type, Banking Account, and Pay Amt fields are pre-filled.  Click the Pay button and your credit card payment will be processed.

Payments Tab

On the Payments tab are listed all payments made against the supplier invoice currently highlighted on the List tab.