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(AP – Recurring Invoices)

Use this screen to enter and generate supplier invoices that have fixed, recurring amounts, such as rent, loan payments, etc.

Periodically you will review your recurring invoices for transfer, which converts them into actual supplier invoices.  Most typically this will be done once a month.


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Screen Details

The screen is divided into two panels.  The upper panel displays all your recurring invoices and is used to select and transfer them to actual supplier invoices.  The lower panel displays the details associated with each recurring invoice.

Upper Grid

All your recurring invoices are listed in the upper grid where they can be selected for transfer, which converts them into actual invoices.  

Invoice ID

This read-only field identifies the recurring invoice.

Next Pay Date

The Next Pay Date from the lower panel is displayed here for reference.  This is the next scheduled pay date for this recurring invoice.  

Invoice No

Each time you transfer this invoice to an actual invoice, you must type in an invoice number.  If there is no invoice number provide by the supplier, type in one of your own, perhaps using today’s date as the number.  

Trans Amount

This is the Default Amount from the lower panel and is the amount that will be transferred to the actual invoice.  You can change this amount on any particular transfer, if you wish.

Invoice Date

This is the invoice date that will be assigned to the supplier invoice that gets created.  By default, this is made equal to the Next Pay Date, but you can change it, if you wish.  


Select this checkbox against any recurring invoice you wish to transfer to an actual supplier invoice.  


This is the recurring invoice supplier.    

Lower Panel

The recurring invoice details are entered and maintained in the lower panel.  

Invoice ID

Enter a code that identifies the recurring invoice in the upper grid.  


Enter an up to 50-character description to further identify the recurring invoice.  

GL Account

Select an account from the lookup to which this recurring invoice is to be charged.  


Select the supplier associated with this recurring invoice.  

Tax Code

This defaults to the Tax Code stored against this supplier.  If one is not stored against the supplier, the system default Purchase Tax Code is used.    


From the drop-down list, select the interval at which this invoice is to be generated.  You have a choice of ‘Weekly’, ‘Monthly’, ‘Quarterly’, ‘Yearly’, and ‘Other’.  

NOTE: If you select ‘Other’, you must manually set the Next Pay Date each time you transfer the invoice.  

Default Amount

Enter the total amount of the invoice, including tax.  

Last Transaction

Each time this invoice is transferred to an actual invoice, this date is incremented by the Frequency interval.  You can adjust this date if needed.  

Next Pay Date

Each time this invoice is transferred to an actual invoice, this date is incremented by adding the Frequency interval to the Last Transaction date.

NOTE: If you had selected a Frequency of ‘Other’, you must manually set this date each time you transfer the invoice.  

Recurring Invoice Notes

You can enter freeform notes for reference purposes on this screen only.  

New Button

Click this button to create a new recurring invoice.  The fields in the lower panel are cleared for new entries.    

Transfer Button

Click this button to transfer all recurring invoices in the upper grid that have the Transfer checkbox selected.  This converts them to actual supplier invoices (which can be viewed in the Supplier Invoices screen) and increments the Last Transaction and Next Pay Date fields in the lower panel.