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Misc Credit Card Charges

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(AP – Misc Credit Card Charges)

Use this screen to enter miscellaneous credit card charges such as meals, entertainment, and travel expenses.  These expenses are posted to the general ledger and flow through to the Account Reconciliation screen for matching with your credit card statement.


Video_Link   Accounts Payable Training Course

List Tab

Grid Contents

Each batch of credit card entries are listed on this tab, with the most recent batch listed first.  



Click this button to enter a new batch of credit card entries.  You are swapped to the Detail tab, which is cleared for data entry.  


Click this button to reverse a batch.  This creates reversal GL transactions using today’s date as the posting date.  

Detail Tab

Upper Panel

Credit Card Account

Select the credit card account to which the charges were made.  The lookup is limited to ‘Credit Card’ bank account types.  


This identifies the credit card batch on the List tab.  


This read-only field is automatically update by the program and has the following values:  


This value is displayed while entering a new credit card batch.  


This value is displayed once the credit card batch has been updated.  


This value is displayed after the credit card batch has been reversed.  

Total Charges

This read-only field is a running total of the credit amounts entered in the grid below.  


Post Date

This is the general ledger posting date for this credit card charge.  It should be the actual date the credit card charge was made.  

GL Account

Select the general ledger account associated with this credit card charge.  


The general ledger account description displays in this field for reference only.  


Enter the name of the business associated with this credit card charge.  This flows through to the Account Reconciliation screen for matching with your credit card statement.  


Enter the amount of the credit card charge in this field.  



Click this button to save the batch.  Each charge amount is posted to the general ledger as a debit to the specified account and a credit to your credit card account.