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DBA Help

(GL – General Ledger Setup – Currency Table)

Use this screen to activate foreign currencies and to update exchange rates.  Within each currency you can view customers and suppliers assigned to that currency.

Related Videos:

Video_Link   Video - Purchasing in a Foreign Currency

Video_Link   Video - Selling in a Foreign Currency


Currency Table


Only use multi-currency with the Financial Transfer configuration

Only use multi-currency processing with the Financial Transfer accounting configuration and an outside accounting system that processes customer and supplier payments in foreign currency.  


Gude Financial Transfer Guide - Multi-Currency  

If you are using the Legacy Financials accounting configuration:

If you are using the Legacy Financials accounting configuration, be aware that the  legacy financial modules --Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Banking – have no multi-currency capabilities.  For multi-currency processing you must convert to the Financial Transfer accounting configuration and a mainstream accounting package for financial processes (receivables, payables, banking, payroll, overall general ledger).


Gude Legacy Financials Conversion Guide

Enables selling and purchasing with financial transfer

Multi-currency processing enables you to sell or purchase in foreign currency and to use the AR Voucher Transfer and AP Voucher Transfer screens to transfer foreign currency amounts and exchange rates to your financial accounting system.

Gain/loss on foreign exchange occurs at time of payment  

Any gain or loss on foreign exchange gets realized in your financial accounting system when customer payments are received or supplier bills are paid.

Fixed Exchange Rate Pricing

You will operate with two currency tables – one in your financial accounting system and one in DBA.  Exchange rates should be updated on a regular basis in your financial accounting system to reflect current market exchange rates for proper realization of currency gain or loss against customer and supplier payments.  By contrast, exchange rates in DBA can remain fixed for long periods of time if your objective is to furnish fixed selling prices to your foreign currency customers.  In that case, you would only change a currency’s exchange rate concurrent with a general set of price changes.

Screen Details




Click this button to activate a currency.  You are presented with the Activate a Currency screen, which provides a list of world currencies.  Select the desired currency and click the Activate button.  You are then presented with the Update Currency screen.  

Update Currency Screen

Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate, which is the number of units of this foreign currency per one unit of your home currency.  


Copy and paste this currency’s symbol (dollar symbol, euro symbol, pound symbol, etc.) into this field.  


This field displays the currency description that gets listed in the grid and in lookups.  

Forms Display

This setting determines how currency amounts will be displayed on forms.  Select Symbol if you prefer to identify currency amounts with the currency symbol.  Select Currency Code if you prefer to identify currency amounts with the 3-character currency code.  


Click this button to remove the selected currency from the active list in the currency table grid and lookups.  You are not allowed to remove a currency that is assigned to any customers or suppliers and will receive a listing of any such assignments.  


Click this button to launch the Update Currency screen for the selected currency, which enables you to update the Exchange Rate, currency Symbol, currency Description, or Forms Display setting.



Click this button to get a listing of exchange rate changes for the selected currency, including the Exchange Rate, the Change Date, and the User Name associated with the active user at the time the change was made.


Used By

Click this button to get a listing of customers or suppliers assigned to the selected currency.  


Grid Fields

Currency Code

This is three letter code identifies the currency on screens and forms.  


This description accompanies the currency code on lookups.  


Click this icon to launch the Update Currency screen, which enables you to update the Exchange Rate as well as the currency Symbol or Description.

Units per (Home Currency)

This field displays the exchange rate in units of the foreign currency per one unit of your home currency.  

(Home Currency) per Unit  

This field displays the exchange rate in units of your home currency per one unit of the foreign currency.