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Quotes - Header Tab

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(Sales – Quotes - Header Tab)

Header level information is located on this tab.


Screen Details

Header Info

Quote No

Quotes and sales orders share the same numbering.  


When a quote is created, it is given a Status of ‘QUOTED’.  When a quote expires without being converted into an order, you can change its Status to ‘CLOSED’,    

Pricing Sub-Tab

If you are quoting products with Base Price records, the settings on this tab affect pricing and discount rules.

Quote Style Side-Tab

Before you print the quote, you can adjust your Quote Style settings on this side-tab.  

NOTE: Default values for these settings are made in the Quote Defaults screen.  

Default Style

You can select one of four quote styles, described as follows.  


This is a formal quote document, similar in style to that of an invoice.


The quote will be in the form of a letter with the quoted price in the body of the letter.

Letter with Detail

The quote will be in the form of a letter with the quoted price and quote details in the body of the letter.


This is the same as the Formal quote style, but there is no quote total.  Use this style with sales order quotes when you want to list several independently quoted items on one document.


The Header text is the main body of the quote letter that precedes the quote details.  


The Summary text is a 50-character description that is used to label the quote total on the printed quote.  It could be something like ‘We are pleased to quote a special price of’ or anything along those lines.  


The Footer text prints after the Summary text and is used for closing comments and a complimentary close type signature block.