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Quotes - Details Tab

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(Sales – Quotes - Details Tab)

Quote line items are entered on this tab, including the creation of custom one-off manufactured items.



Screen Details

Line Type


Select this line type if you wish to generate a “one-off” item to customize an existing BOM or to create a custom BOM or job from scratch.  Upon selection, the One-Off Item Generator screen is displayed.  


Screen_Help   One-Off Item Generator

Reference ID

Select the item you are quoting from the lookup.  The item must be set up in advance in the Stock Items screen.  

NOTE: If you wish to quote multiple quantities and prices for the same item, enter the same item on multiple lines, each with its won quantity and price.  


Screen_Help   Stock Item Lookup

Reference Price

If the item you are quoting has a Contract Price or Base Price, standard sales order pricing rules apply to this field.  


If this customer is assigned to a Discount Code that affects this item, the discount percentage is inserted into this field.  

Net Price

This is the quote price, which is calculated by applying the Discount to the Reference Price when values exist in those fields.  

Est Cost

This is the item’s Estimated Cost at the time the line was created.  

Margin or Markup

This is the Margin or Markup (depending on your Profitability setting in the Sales Defaults screen) of the net Price over Est Cost.  

Changing the Margin or Markup

You can change the Margin or Markup percentage by clicking the button in this field.  You are presented with a screen within which you can enter the new percentage.  When you click OK, the Net Price will be adjusted to reflect the new Margin or Markup.  Any Discount percentage will be zeroed out and the Reference Price will be made equal to the Net Price.