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Sales Order Inquiry

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(Sales – Sales Order Inquiry)

This screen enables users to inquire on the status of a sales order and to review associated shipments and invoices.  


Sales Order Selection

Search by SO Number



SO Status and SO Type

Filter list selectively by SO status or SOType.

SO Number, SO Description, Customer Name,  and Cust PO Number

Text search box can search on any of these data columns.

Lookup by Invoice Number




Screen Details

SO Description, Status, Customer

These fields are for reference only.  

Status Tab

Upper Grid

All line items are listed in this grid.  You can view each item’s order Qty, the quantity picked to date, and the Required Date.  


This checkbox is selected when the item has tracking characteristics.  

History Sub-Tab

The actual pick transactions for the highlighted item in the upper grid are displayed in this lower grid.  You view the Picked Date and the picked Qty.  

Event Log

This will document all events related to manual changes of the SO line item requirement date and the DBA User that performed the change.

Shipments Tab

Upper Grid

All shipments associated with this sales order are listed in the upper grid.  

Line Items Grid

The line items associated with the shipment highlighted in the upper grid are listed in the lower grid.  

Invoices Tab

Upper Grid

All invoices associated with this sales order are listed in the upper grid, including totals for line items, shipping, and tax.  

Line Items Grid

The line items associated with the invoice highlighted in the upper grid are listed in the lower grid, including price and tax detail.