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DBA Help

(Purch - Manufacturers)

In some industries, certain purchased items can only be sourced from approved manufacturers.  In DBA you can create manufacturers in this screen and assign them to specific stock items on the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen.  An item’s manufacturer and manufacturer part number can be specified on purchase orders.  


Gude   Startup Guide - Item Manufacturers and Part Numbers



Screen Details


Enter an up to 50-character manufacturer name that will display on screens and print on POs.  

Web, Phone, Fax, Email, Note

These optional fields are for reference only and are not used elsewhere in the system.    

Items Tab

When a manufacturer is selected in the Manufacturers tab, you can click the Items tab to get a listing of the stock items associated with the manufacturer.  

NOTE: This screen is for reference only.  Manufacturer assignment to items and manufacturer part number entry is done in the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen.  

(Purch - Manufacturers - Items Tab)


Screen Details

Upper Grid

In the upper grid are listed all the stock items associated with this manufacturer.  

Item ID, Description  

These fields identify the item.  

Mfgr Part No

This is the manufacturer’s part number for this item.  

Suppliers Grid  

This grid identifies all the suppliers assigned to the item selected in the upper grid.  


This identifies the supplier.    

Supplier Part No

This is the supplier’s part number for this item.