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Purchasing Data Views

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(Purch – Data Views)


The Data View utility is a reporting tool used throughout DBA that enables you to filter, sort, and group your data to create your own inquiries, spreadsheets, and reports.  It organizes related data from multiple tables without requiring “joins” and other complicated programming techniques.  


Screen_Help   Data View Reporting tool

Purchasing Data Views


PO Lines Summary    

Use this data view to  .  Standard layouts include:  

Details by PO Number
Details by Ref ID



PO Receipts    

Use this data view to analyze PO receipts by supplier, PO, and item, including comparisons of due dates with actual receipt dates.  Standard layouts include:  

Receipts By Reference ID
Receipts By PO Number
Receipts By Suppler - Reference ID
Delivery Days by Item - Supplier
Delivery Days by Supplier - Item



PO invoices    

Use this data view to analyze PO Invoice lines.  Standard layouts include:  

By Supplier and Invoice No
By Supplier and Invoice No in Supplier UM
Invoices by Ref ID