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Startup - Implementation Team

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In this task you will assemble the members of the implementation team.  

Task Notes:

Identify the people in your company who best match up with the areas of expertise listed below and designate them as members of the implementation team.  

Expertise is needed in five basic areas  

Five basic areas of expertise are needed among team members:  


Bill of manufacturing setup requires a person with intimate knowledge of your product specifications, including bill of materials and routing processes.  


Sales setup requires a person with intimate knowledge of your pricing policies, customers, and other sales-related issues.


MRP setup requires a person with intimate knowledge of your production planning issues processes, including stocking levels and job scheduling.  


Purchasing setup requires a person with intimate knowledge of your suppliers and supplier prices.  


Financial setup requires a person with intimate knowledge of your general ledger and financial accounting processes.

One person commonly has expertise in multiple areas

One person commonly has expertise in more than one of the areas listed above and therefore the implementation team often consists of only two or three people.    

Other users will get involved in the User Training phase

The implementation team will focus on system system setup -- default settings, master tables, and forms layouts -- in preparation for system startup day.  Other users will get fully involved with the system during the User Training phase when they will rehearse workflow processes in the Sample Company