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Startup - Project Manager Designation

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In this task a project manager will be designated to oversee implementation and manage the Startup Wizard.  The project manager will provide leadership and use the wizard to assign tasks and check them as completed.  

Task Notes:

Designate one person as the implementation Project Manager.  Even though implementation is a team effort, it is vital that one person be in charge and that he or she has full backing from top management.  This way the project has firm direction and clear lines of authority.

Select a person who is detail oriented, follows directions, and is likely to apply time and effort.

Do not select a person who has no familiarity with your products or processes, such as a new employee or consultant.

Consider making an announcement to your entire organization of the person's appointment as Project Manager and what that role entails.  

Make it clear to other members of the implementation team that the Project Manager will have sole responsibility for updating the Startup Wizard.