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Job Schedule - Header Panel

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(Jobs – Job Schedule - Header Panel)


Screen Details

Job Status

Jobs must be viewed separately by job Status.  Two options are available:        


Jobs with a Status of ‘RELEASED’ are actively in production. Job Finish dates were automatically rescheduled when needed at time of job release relative to job Released dates.    


Jobs with a Status of ‘NEW’ are not in production and are not subject to rescheduling.  Rescheduling occurs automatically when needed at time of job release.  

Demand Type  

These checkboxes enable you to filter the jobs in the grid by one or more Demand Types. The four Demand Type values are:  


This identifies jobs that are associated with a sales order line for a CTO (custom to order) item.    

Sales Order

This identifies jobs in which the earliest dependent demand event for the job is a sales order.  


This identifies jobs in which the earliest dependent demand event for the job is a higher level job.    

To Stock

This identifies jobs that are not associated with a CTO sales order line item and do not have any dependent demand events.


Use this field to enter a character string that limits the grid to job numbers and descriptions containing that string.