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Taxation Data Views

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(Tax – Data Views)


The Data View utility is a reporting tool used throughout DBA that enables you to filter, sort, and group your data to create your own inquiries, spreadsheets, and reports.  It organizes related data from multiple tables without requiring “joins” and other complicated programming techniques.  


Screen_Help   Data View Reporting tool

Training Video

Support Center – Videos–Setup – Tax Setup

Segment: Tax Reporting

Taxation Data Views

Four data views are provided on the Tax menu.  These four data views are confined to sales tax data and are used primarily for USA sales tax reporting where in many states and localities sales have to be broken out by local tax codes or tax authorities and by taxable and non-taxable status.  


Sales Tax Detail

This data view shows invoice line item detail within a specified date range.  This data view would be used to audit individual invoices by tax code.  To get a sub-grouping by tax code, drag the Tax Code column heading into the upper blue panel.  Standard layouts include:  

Details by Tax Code
Details by Invoice Number



Sales Tax Summary

This data view shows summarized invoice totals within a specified date range.  This data view would be used for preparing sales tax reports by tax code.  To get a sub-grouping by tax code, drag the Tax Code column heading into the upper blue panel.  Standard layouts include:  

Summary by Tax Code



Sales Tax Authority by Invoice

This data view shows invoice line item detail within a specified date range.  This data view would be used to audit individual invoices by tax authority.  To get a sub-grouping by tax authority, drag the Tax Authority column heading into the upper blue panel.  Standard layouts include:  

Tax Authority by Tax Code
Tax Authority by Tax Code Type  

CAUTION: Do not use this data view for sales grand totals because each line item tax code can be comprised of multiple tax authorities, which causes sales grand totals to be inflated.  Only use this data view for sales totals within tax authority.  




Sales Tax Authority Summary

This data view shows summarized invoice totals within a specified date range.  This data view would be used for preparing sales tax reports by tax authority.  To get a sub-grouping by tax authority, drag the Tax Authority column heading into the upper blue panel.  Standard layouts include:  

All Fields
Tax Authority by Tax Code
Tax Authority by Tax Code Type

CAUTION: Do not use this data view for sales grand totals because each line item tax code can be comprised of multiple tax authorities, which causes sales grand totals to be inflated.  Only use this data view for sales totals within tax authority.
