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Sales Orders - Invoicing Tab

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(Sales – Sales Orders - Invoicing Tab)

Invoices are generated from shipments on this tab.  


Gude   Training Guide - Invoicing


Invoice Creation Workflow

1.  When Invoicing tab is selected,  you are prompted would wish to create an invoice?


2. Select Invoice to be created

The total amount will reflect all un-invoiced shipments combined.  If you want an invoice per shipment, you should create and print an invoice immediately after each shipment.


3.  Select the Print Invoice button to print and post the invoice.


4.  Optionally exclude zero-value line items from printing


5.  Preview the Invoice for printing and/or email


6.  Confirm Invoice is Printed status.   Printed = Posted

GL Posting

NOTE: It is when the invoice status changes to ‘Printed’ that the invoice is posted to the general ledger and to the sales history table.  


Screen Details

Click for Preview of selected Invoice

Click this icon if you wish to preview the invoice on the screen and to adjust printing options.  You are first presented with the Print Options screen.  

Invoices Grid

All invoices that have been created against this sales order are listed in this grid.  

Invoice No

This field is left blank until the Status changes to ‘Printed’.  The program assigns the Invoice No based on the Invoice Prefix and Next Invoice No settings in the Sales Defaults screen.  

Invoice Date

This field defaults to today’s date, but can be overridden with another selection prior to printing the invoice.  


The system assigns three possible values to this field:  


When the invoice is initially created, the Status is blank.  


The Status changes to ‘Printed’ once the invoice is printed or Emailed.  

GL Posting

NOTE: It is when the invoice status changes to ‘Printed’ that the invoice is posted to the general ledger and to the sales history table.  


When you click the Reverse button to reverse a ‘Printed’ invoice, the Status changes to ‘Credited’.  

Net Amt

This field displays the total price exclusive of Shipping and Tax.  


This field displays the total shipping charges on this Invoice.  


This field displays the total tax on this invoice.  

Total Amt

This is the sum of the Net Amt, Shipping, and Tax amounts.  

Deposit - DBA Legacy Financials

If an advance deposit has been applied against this Invoice, the amount is displayed in this field.  

Deposit Processing - DBA Legacy Financials

If a deposit has been entered in the AR – Customer Deposits screen against this sales order, when you create the invoice you are presented with this prompt:  

An open Deposit exists against this Sales Order.  Do you wish to apply the Deposit towards this Invoice?

If you click OK, you are presented with this prompt:

Up to $__ can be applied.  Apply how much?  

You can then apply all or a portion of the open deposit amount against the invoice.  

Due Date

This is the invoice payment due date, which is based on the Payment Terms specified in the Terms sub-tab on the Header tab.  

Print on Statement

When you reverse an invoice to correct for errors, the original invoice is retained and a “reversing” invoice with offsetting negative quantities and prices is created.  If you wish to exclude both of these invoices from printing on the customer statement, select ‘No’ in this field.  

Invoice Customer

This field displays the bill to customer for this invoice.

Created By

This field displays the DBA User that created the invoice.

New Invoice Button

If you don’t create the invoice at the time you click the Invoicing tab, once you are on the Invoicing screen you can click this button to create a new invoice.  

Delete Button

When a selected invoice’s Status is blank, you can delete it by clicking this button.  

NOTE: You cannot delete a ‘Printed’ Status invoice.  You must reverse it instead (see next).  

Reverse Button

When a selected invoice’s Status is ‘Printed’, you can create a “reversing” Invoice (with offsetting negative quantities and prices) by clicking this button.  The original invoice is retained and both invoices are given a Status of ‘Credited’.  

NOTE: If you wish to exclude both of these invoices from printing on the customer statement, select ‘No’ in the Print on Statement field against each of these invoices.  

Print Buttons Panel

Invoice Button

Click this button to print the selected invoice.  

NOTE: When the invoice is printed, its Status changes to ‘Printed’ and it is posted to sales history and to the general ledger.  

Detail Line Print Options Screen for zero-value items

Don’t Print

If you wish to exclude a particular zero-value line item from printing on the invoice, select this checkbox.

Yes for Email, No for Preview

If the Email Documents checkbox is selected in the Contact sub-tab of the Header tab, you are presented with this prompt after closing the Print Options screen.   If the checkbox is not selected, the invoice is previewed on the screen and can be printed by clicking the Printer icon.  

If you click Yes, you are presented with the standard Email client form, pre-filled with the Message Body Default Text for this user from the User Setup screen.  
If you click No, the invoice is previewed on the screen and can be printed by clicking the Printer icon.  

Credit Card Payment Prompt - Legacy Financials

For customers on DBA Financials, if this sales order’s Payment Terms is specified as a ‘Credit Card’ type in the Customer Terms screen, you are prompted to record the customer’s payment.  

If you click Yes to the prompt, the Customer Payments screen is presented.  The Banking Account, Payment Type, and Amount to Pay fields are pre-filled.  Click the Update button and the credit card payment will be processed.