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Job Schedule - New Jobs Grid

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(Jobs – Job Schedule - Job Status = New)


New Jobs Grid  

‘NEW’ status jobs are listed in ascending Planned Start date order.  

Screen Details

Job No, Primary Output, Description, Job Qty, UM  

These fields identify the job and its primary output item.  

Planned Start

This field displays the job’s scheduled start date.   If this date gets changed, the Job Finish date is automatically changed to preserve the same shop days "spread" between the two dates.  

Leave this date fixed as is

With "just in time" planning there is no need to change the Planned Start date, which should stay fixed as is to reflect the initial master schedule date generated by MRP.  When the job gets released to production in the Job Control Panel based on material availability, it will be given a Released date, which is the actual start date that can be compared to the Planned Start date.  The job is also given a new Job Finish date relative to the Released date, which is how the master schedule gets automatically adjusted to reflect conditions in the shop.   Manual intervention with scheduling dates is not needed except for rare exceptions.  

Day Past Start

This displays the number of calendar days that have elapsed past the Planned Start date.  

Job No, Primary Output, Description, Job Qty, UM  

These fields identify the job.  


Whenever the screen is launched, a batch process allocates component stock on hand to all open jobs.  Material is allocated first to RELEASED’ status jobs in Planned Start date order and then to ‘NEW’ status jobs in Planned Start date order.  

Do not release when ‘Shortage’ is displayed

When a red icon and ‘Shortage’ is displayed, it means that the job is at or past its Planned Start date, but one or more of its components is not fully allocated.  When this is the case, job release must be delayed until material is fully allocated.    

Material Allocation Inquiry

Click the icon in this field to launch the Material Allocation inquiry, which displays the material availability status of job components.  .


Screen_Help   Material Allocation Inquiry  

First WC

This field identifies the job’s first work center.  You can click the down arrow to view the work center’s actual Queue Days relative to its Buffer Days.  

Earliest Finish  

This read-only field displays the job’s finish date if the job were to be released today.  It is established as follows:  

If the Planned Start date is equal or later than today’s date, this is equal to the scheduled Job Finish date.  
If the Planned Start date is earlier than today’s date, this is forward scheduled from today’s date, maintaining the existing shop days spread between the Planned Start and Job Finish dates.  

You can click the down arrow in this field to see the underlying details of this date calculation.  


This field displays the job’s current required date.  It is updated as follows each time the screen is launched:  

If the Demand Type is ‘CTO’, this is the associated sales order line’s Required date.
If the Demand Type is ‘Sales Order’, this is the SO line item Required date associated with the job’s earliest dependent demand event.    
If the Demand Type is ‘Job’, this is the Planned Start date associated with the job’s earliest dependent demand event.  
If the Demand Type is ‘To Stock’, this date is equal to the original Required date, or the job's earliest dependent demand event.  

NOTE: For Jobs and Sales Orders, if a shortage occurs before the Job Finish date, then the Required date will be moved inward automatically.   However, moving a Job Planned Start date or SO line required date out will not automatically affect existing Required dates (Required dates for Non CTO items do not automatically move outward).  This bias to not automatically move a required date outward is due to the fact that you already have subassembly Jobs and Purchase Orders generated and aligned with your original planning intent.

Manual Change of Required Date Outward

There are a few exceptions to allow a Required date move outward.  For example, you may have had a To Order item that a customer called in and request a later delivery date.  You could choose to move out the SO line required date and move the Job Required date per the exception rule below.  This would allow you to de-prioritize this To Order Job on an exception basis.

Items with an Order Policy = To Order have a Demand Type of 'To Stock' are eligible for manual change of the Required date.   This means that the supply (Finish date) is scheduled ahead of the date that the projected quantity goes negative.   Under this condition,  you can optionally change the Job Required date outward.  You should analyze your Stock Status screen and choose a date in the future where the projected quantity is zero or negative.

Manually created Jobs are eligible to change the Required date to meet your objectives.  We do recommend that you still review the Stock Status screen prior to changing the date.

Days Past Req

A value in this field means that the Earliest Finish date is ‘X’ shop days past the job’s Required date, which indicates a late dependency.  

Order Policy

This field displays the item’s current Order Policy setting, which is established in the MRP Settings screen.  

Review the Demand Driven order settings when Demand Type = ‘Job’ or ‘Sales Order’  

When the item has an Order Policy of ‘Demand Driven’, the Demand Type is expected to be ‘To Stock’ because the intent is for actual demand to be supplied from stock.  If the Demand Type is ‘Job’ or ‘Sales Order’, however, it means that dependent demand exists and therefore the item’s forecast-derived Reorder Point did not sufficiently cover actual demand.  In such cases you may wish to review the item’s Monthly Potential Demand and update it, if needed, for the benefit of future MRP runs.  

Demand Type

This field displays the demand type associated with the Required date.  There are four possible values:  


This value indicates that the job is associated with a sales order line for a CTO (custom to order) item.    

Sales Order

This value indicates that the earliest dependent demand event for this job is a sales order.  


This value indicates that the earliest dependent demand event for this job is a higher level job.    

To Stock

This value indicates that the job is not associated with a CTO sales order line item and it does not have any dependent demand events.    


The icon in this field, which launches the Supply Dependencies inquiry, becomes visible when the job is scheduled to finish late relative to dependent demand events.  Dependent demand events are sales orders or jobs with demand dates earlier than the Job Finish date or the current date.

What creates late dependencies?      

Late dependencies associated with NEW status jobs occur for the following reasons:  

Late Job Release

When the current date passes the Job Finish date, the job cannot meet its Required date and the result is a late dependency.  

Manual Job

Late dependencies can be caused by a job created manually without the proper date alignment that occurs when jobs are generated by MRP.

Cease manual job creation

Manual job creation should be ceased immediately because manual jobs are not compatible with the master schedule.  All jobs should be generated through MRP based on actual demand with proper date alignment.

SO Required Date Change

When a sales order line’s Required date gets changed, it can cause a late dependency if its Required date is earlier than the associated Job Finish date.    

Stock Status

Clicking the icon in this field launches the Stock Status inquiry, which displays the projected supply and demand details for this item.


Screen_Help   Stock Status - Projected Tab

MRP Session  

This field displays the MRP session number from which this job was generated.  If the job was created manually, ‘Manual’ is displayed.



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