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Purchase Orders - Header Tab

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(Purch – Purchase Orders - Header Tab)

Supplier selection and associated details are entered on this screen.  



Screen Details

Purchase Order


The program automatically assigns the PO number, using the Type Prefix from the PO Types screen for this PO type and the Next PO No setting from the Purchasing Defaults screen.  If the Auto PO Number option is cleared against this PO type, the numeric portion of the PO number is entered manually when you click the New PO button.  


You can optionally enter an up to 50-character description of the PO that is used as a reference on screens and reports.  

Creation Date

This is the date the PO was created.  It defaults to the system date, but can be overridden, if desired.


Normally this field is automatically updated by the program unless you wish to use the PO as a quote or manually close or reopen a closed PO.  

Automatic Status – Opened, Printed, Closed

When a PO is created, its status is automatically set to ‘Opened’.  When you print the PO, its status changes to ‘Printed’.  As each received line gets matched in the PO Invoices screen, its Line Status value changes from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’.  Once all lines are ‘Closed’, the PO status changes to ‘Closed’.  

Quote Status

You can manually change the status to ‘Quote’ if you wish to use the PO to request a quote from a supplier.  ‘Quote’ status POs are ignored by the MRP screen when calculating net demand for items.      

Manual Close

If the PO has under-received lines that aren’t to be received in full, you have the option of manually closing the PO by changing the status to ‘Closed’.  When you do so, you receive a message that the status of all line items will be changed to ‘Closed’ as well.  

Reopening a Closed PO

You can reopen a closed PO in the event you wish to add new line items or increase the quantity on an existing line item.  To do so, change the status from ‘Closed’ to ‘Opened’.  


You can enter unlimited text in the Notes panel, which print on the printed PO.

PO Type

The PO type that was selected during PO generation or creation displays in this read-only field.

Due Date

This field sets a default Due Date for each line item entered, which can be overridden at the line item level.  

Tax Code

This is the Tax Code that will be applied by default to all line items unless a tax code exception has been defined against the line’s stock item or descriptor.  The source of this tax code is reference in the Tax Code Source field at right.  

NOTE: If you change the Tax Code after line items already exist, that tax code will replace the Tax Code at line item level for all lines with a Tax Code Source of ‘Header’.  

Tax Code Source

This field identifies the source of the Tax Code at left.  There are three possible sources:  

Purchase Tax Default

The Tax Code at left is the system level default Purchase Tax Code designated in the Tax Defaults screen.  


The Tax Code at left is the tax code Exception designated against this supplier in the Suppliers screen.  


The Tax Code at left has been manually changed though selection of a tax code from the lookup.  

Currency Panel

This panel is only visible when the supplier is assigned to a foreign currency.  It displays the currency code and description, the exchange rate (foreign units per unit of home currency), and the inverse exchange rate (units of home currency per unit of foreign currency).  The exchange rate is assigned to the purchase order based on the Currency Table exchange rate in effect at time of purchase order creation and remains fixed for the duration of the purchase order.  


Gude Financial Transfer Guide - Multi-Currency

If you are using the Legacy Financials accounting configuration:

If you are using the Legacy Financials accounting configuration, be aware that the legacy financial modules --Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Banking – have no multi-currency capabilities.  For multi-currency processing you must convert to the Financial Transfer accounting configuration and a mainstream accounting package for financial processes (receivables, payables, banking, payroll, overall general ledger).


Gude Legacy Financials Conversion Guide

Supplier Detail


If you are entering a new PO, select the supplier from the lookup.  

Trade Name

This read-only field displays the supplier’s Trading Name maintained in the Suppliers screen for this supplier, which is the name that will print on the printed PO.  

Address, City, State, Code, Country

This is the PO mailing address, which defaults to the values maintained in the Suppliers screen for this supplier.  You can override the default values, if you wish.  


This defaults to the Main Contact maintained in the Suppliers screen for this supplier.  You can make an alternate selection from the lookup or you can make a manual entry.  

Ship Method

This defaults to the Ship Method maintained in the Suppliers screen for this supplier.  You can make an alternate selection from the lookup, if you wish.  

Delivery Address

This address defaults to your company’s address from the Main Setup screen.  You are free to change the address when needed.  

Order Value

Order Value

This is the sum of all the PO line item Total Cost amounts.  


This is the sum of all the PO line item Tax amounts.  

Total Value

This is the sum of the Order Value and Tax amounts.  

Contact Details Sub-Tab

Phone, Fax, Mobile Email, Supplier Code  

These fields are for reference purposes and default to the contact settings stored on the Details tab of the Suppliers screen for this supplier.  They can be overridden, if desired.

Email Documents

This checkbox defaults to the setting maintained in the Suppliers screen for this supplier.  When selected you will be given the option of sending POs via Email at time of printing.

Supplier Code

This defaults to value maintained in the Suppliers screen for this supplier.  You can make an alternate selection from the lookup, if you wish.

Additional Side-Tab

Additional Fields

If you created any user-defined fields in the Admin – User-Defined Fields screen, those field values are entered on this panel.