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PO Schedule - Subcontract Lines

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(Purch – PO Schedule - Subcontract)


Screen Details

Grid Fields    


This number identifies the purchase order.

Reference ID, Description

These fields identify the PO line item.

Subcon Job, Sequence

These fields identify the job and routing sequence to which this PO line is linked.  

PO Qty, UM

This is the original order quantity and unit of measure.  

Rem Qty

This is the remaining quantity, which is the original order quantity less receipts to date.  

Due Date

This is the line item’s scheduled due date.  This date cannot be changed within this screen and can only be changed within the purchase order itself.  

Days Past Due

A value on this field means that the current date is ‘X’ calendar days past the PO line’s Due Date, which indicates a late PO.  Possible actions include:  

Apply pressure on the supplier

When a PO is late you can contact the supplier and apply pressure to expedite delivery.  

Update the Expected date

If the supplier furnishes you with a firm delivery date, you can update the PO line’s Expected date.  


By default, this date is equal to the Due Date.  When a PO is late, however, and the supplier gives you a firm delivery date, you can specify that date in this field for reference.  


This is the supplier associated with this PO.  You can click the down arrow in this field to display the supplier’s contact details stored in the PO header screen.



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