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AP Voucher Transfer - Supplier Bill Entry

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The information needed to enter supplier bills or credit memos is listed in the AP voucher spreadsheet generated in the AP Voucher Transfer screen.  Enter a supplier bill for each voucher on the spreadsheet as follows:

1. Create the supplier record if needed    

If the voucher Supplier does not exist in your accounting system, create a supplier record.  The only information needed for AP processing is the supplier name, address, terms code, phone, fax, Email, and AP contact person.  

2. Enter the invoice header information

In the supplier bill entry screen, select the voucher Suppler (or the X-Ref Code if your accounting system uses a supplier code).  Enter the voucher Invoice No as the invoice number.  Verify that the default due date and terms code match the voucher Due Date and Terms.  

3. Enter the total amount and AP Voucher Transfers account

In the details section, enter a single line with the voucher Total Amt as the amount and specify the voucher X-Ref Account as the GL account, which is your AP Invoice Transfer account.  

NOTE: Do not enter a tax amount.  Tax is already processed and posted in the PO invoice.  If a tax code is required, specify a non-taxable tax code.

Foreign Currency

If the voucher is in a foreign currency, enter the voucher FX Total as the amount.  Enter the voucher Exchange Rate if your accounting system’s exchange rate is a multiplier or enter the voucher Inv Exch Rate if your exchange rate is a divisor.  

4. Post the supplier bill and continue

After you finish entering the single line, post the supplier bill and move on to the next voucher on the spreadsheet.  Repeat this process until all vouchers have been entered as supplier bills.

5.  Check your entries upon completion

After each set of supplier bills is created, check your entries by running a supplier bill listing and comparing the total amounts for the supplier bills with the total amounts on the voucher spreadsheet.  

Supplier Credit Memo Entry

Supplier credit memo entry is the same as supplier bill entry except that in some accounting systems it is done in a separate credit memo entry screen.  In the AP Voucher Transfer screen you have the option of blending invoices and credit memos into the same voucher list or you can display and output them on separate lists.