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AP Voucher Transfer - Supplier Bill Import

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Supplier bill and credit memo import is an alternative to supplier bill entry, provided that your accounting system has in import capability.  

Consider starting with supplier bill entry

We recommend starting with supplier bill entry for a period of time before you use supplier bill import.  This gives you a thorough understanding of the supplier bill process and will make it easier to implement supplier bill import when you are ready to do so.  

Either method provides the same result

There is no difference in result whether you use the supplier bill entry method or the supplier bill import method.  Both methods are efficient and easily incorporated into your daily accounting tasks.  

Import Tools      

Some accounting systems include supplier invoice and credit memo import utilities and in some cases import tools are available from third party providers.  


QuickBooks does not include a supplier bill import utility.  Several third party import tools are available and are easily found by web search.  Many of our customers use the following product:

Transaction Pro Importer

Typical Import Process

With most import tools you map the fields in the voucher output file to corresponding fields in the import tool.  The mapping layout is typically saved and used for all subsequent imports.  With each import you specify the location of your voucher output file.  Many tools perform a validity check before the import is performed.  

Import Considerations

Each import tool is different.  Here are some considerations to bear in mind as you set up your import tool.  

Required Fields  

The default output grid in the AP Voucher Transfer screen contains all the possible fields that are available for import mapping.  Your particular import tool may require fields that are not available for mapping, in which case they must be manually added to the voucher spreadsheet before it can be imported.

Field Order

Some import tools enable you to map fields without any specific order, while other tools require fields to be in an exact sequence.  You can use the Customize Grid Display option to control the field sort order.


Tab   Customizing the Output Grid

Spreadsheet Editing

Some tools may require special formatting that may necessitate editing the voucher spreadsheet before each import.

File Format

The AP voucher output file can be generated in a CSV, Excel, or XML file format.  Most import tools support the CSV file format, but some may require fixed field lengths, IIF, or other formats that are not available as an output option.

New Supplier Creation

Most import tools will not create a new supplier record as part of the import process.  In most cases you must manually create the new supplier records before the voucher file can be imported.  

Purchase Tax  

The voucher output file does not include a tax code because tax code detail and posting is already handled by the PO invoice.  Some import tools will insert a default tax code.  Make sure the default tax code is non-taxable so that tax does not get calculated.  If a tax code is required in the voucher output file, it must be added through manual editing before each import.

Credit Memos

Credit memos in DBA are PO invoices with a negative total value.  In some accounting systems, supplier credit memos are separate entities from supplier bills.  Where this is the case, map your supplier credit memo voucher file separately from your supplier bill voucher file and perform separate imports for supplier bills and credit memos.

NOTE: The Display option in the upper panel enables you to create separate voucher output files for invoices and credit memos.