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Estimated Secondary Costs

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(BOM > Estimated Secondary Costs)

This screen is used to update your estimated costs for secondary output items.



Secondary Outputs Estimated Costs Overview

Secondary Output Estimated Costs are not calculated as part of the standard Cost Rollup process

If a Secondary Output is used in only one parent BOM, you can use the Mass Replace and a calculated Est Cost will be suggested

If a Secondary Output is used in more than one parent BOM, you must manually enter a New Est Cost value.

After you complete your Est Cost update, perform a Cost Rollup batch rollup to update any BOMs where a Secondary Output is used as an Input


Screen Details

Selection Filters

Use the selection filters in the upper panel to generate a list of items in the grid below.  

Item ID

Select All or One item or use the Filter option and click the Set Filter button to enter a string of characters for searching item IDs and descriptions that start with or contains that string of characters.  

Item Category  

Select All item categories or use the Some option to specify one or more item categories.  

Entry Type

Select All, Calculated, or Manual.  Calculated will filter the list to secondary outputs that only have a single BOM parent.   Manual will filter the list to secondary outputs that are used in more than one BOM.


Load Items  

After selection filtering is completed, click this button to populate the grid below.  

Mass Replace

Click this button to populate the New Est Cost field for secondary output items used in a single parent BOM.




Clear All

Click this button to clear the New Est Cost values against all items in the grid.        


Click this button to mass update each item's Est Cost with its corresponding New Est Cost value.  


Clicking this button to close the screen


Grid Fields  

Item ID, ,Description, UM

These fields identify the secondary output items.  

Est Cost

This field displays the item's current Estimated Cost.  

New Est Cost

Enter the item’s new Estimated Cost in this field.  Do not make an entry if the cost is to remain unchanged.  

Last Change

This field displays the date of the last change of the Est Cost for this item.  You can drill through to the Est Cost History Detail screen.

Item Category

This field displays the Item Category to which this item is assigned.

BOM Parent Count

This field displays the count of the active current revision BOMs where the secondary output is used.   You can drill through to the Secondary Output Estimated Cost Inquiry screen.  If this item is used in more than one parent BOM, you will need to analyze the calculated Est Cost values and manually enter a New Est Cost value in the opening grid.


Secondary Output Estimated Cost Inquiry


Header Fields  

Item ID, ,Description, UM

These fields identify the secondary output item.

Estimated Cost

This is the current Est Cost stored against the Item master.        

Grid Fields  

BOM Parent ID, ,Parent Description, Revision

This is the Parent Item ID for all active current revisions where this secondary item is used.   If you have menu security permissions you can drill through to the BOM Outputs tab for the Parent ID.

Total Batch Cost

This is the total cost for the Batch Size.  For standard BOMs, this will be for a batch size of 1 unit of the parent.

Cost Ratio

This is the Cost Ratio for the Secondary Output item.

Batch Cost

This is the batch cost for the secondary output item.  Formula = Total Batch Cost x Cost Ratio of the Secondary Output.

Output Qty, UM

This is the Output Qty and UM for the secondary output per the batch size.  

Calculated Est Cost

This is the calculated unit Est Cost of the Secondary Output.   Formula = Batch Cost / Output Qty