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Estimated Subcontract Costs

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BOM – Estimated Subcontract Costs)

Use this screen to review and update your estimated costs for your Subcontract routing sequences.  After posting any changes, you should perform a BOM > Cost Rollup to properly update your estimated costs for your manufactured items.


Gude   Training - Job Subcontracting  



Screen Details

Selection Filters

Use the selection filters in the upper panel to generate a list of items in the grid below.  


Select All or One.  

Process ID

Select All or One

Item Category

Select Some or All. This is the Item Category of the BOM Parent.



Output grid contents for printing our export to Excel.


This will collapse or expand data groupings that are dragged into the header area.

PO Lines

This will launch the a PO Lines Summary inquiry for the highlighted subcontractor BOM Parent in the grid.  You can review the historical PO Receipt and PO Invoice unit costs for this Subcontractor/BOM Parent.

Load Items  

After selection filtering is completed, click this button to populate the grid below.      

Clear All

Click this button to clear the New Supplier Price against all items in the grid.        


Click this button to mass update each item's Supplier Price in the BOM subcontract routing sequence.  You should run a BOM>Cost Rollup batch rollup immediately after Update.


Clicking this button to close the screen.

Grid Fields  

BOM Parent, Parent Description, Revision

These fields identify the parent BOM.   You can drill through from the BOM Parent ID field to the BOM screen.

Sequence, Process ID

This identifies the routing sequence and Process ID.  Refer to the screen help for more specifics on the establishing your Supplier Price, UM and Multiplier.

Screen_Help Screen Help - Subcontractor Processes

Supplier Price

This is the current Supplier Price for the subcontract routing sequence in the Supplier unit of measure.  The Supplier UM and Multiplier can be edited in the BOM Routing sequence

New Supplier Price

This is an entry field for the Supplier Price of the subcontract service in the Supplier unit of measure.   This value will used to update the Supplier Price and Est Cost for the subcontract routing sequence.

Est Cost

This is the current Estimated Cost for the subcontract routing sequence in the BOM parent unit of measure.

New Est Cost

This is a read only field based on the value entered in the New Supplier Price field.  This will be the value that will be used for the Est Cost of the subcontract routing sequence at Update. This is the value that the BOM > Cost Rollup will use for the Subcon estimated routing costs.  

Days to Next

This is a read only field. This is the number of days it takes to get the items sent out and received back from the Subcontractor Supplier.  The Days to Next value can be edited in the BOM Routing sequence.

Subcontractor ID, Supplier

These fields identify the Subcontractor.

Parent Item Category

This is the Item Category for the Parent BOM ID.